Events, Smart Governance

Smart Governance @MoneyConf 2018, Dublin, Ireland

Why should the rest of the World’s Financial Sector be left out?

Already more than 51% of the Portuguese Financial Market is worked by SMART GOVERNANCE customers, thriving with competitiveness and empowered by faster and more compliant decisions.

Are you attending MoneyConf 2018?

We’ll be exhibiting on June 13th at booth G-101. Stop by and say «hi!», we’ll be happy to share a demo with you 🙂

If the Portuguese are actively fighting the paralysis-by-analysis phenomena and on their process of digital transformation into the Financial Industry 4.0, why shouldn’t you be doing the same for your Organization?

Not attending, but in Dublin?

Wish to learn more about SMART GOVERNANCE and explore it’s capabilities? Request your meeting while we’re in Dublin, Ireland from June 11th to the 14th.


SMART GOVERNANCE is the most complete enterprise governance management solution for decision-making ecosystems, supporting your chain of command decision-making processes, including power of authority conditional rules, and multiple board, committee, council and assembly meetings, allowing for greater agility in the decision-making process while eliminating the physical paper clutter (or the email nightmare) and its logistics, time and resource consumption.

Additionally, SMART GOVERNANCE also supports multi-organizational/conglomerate scenarios.

Last but not least, because corporate governance is not agenda management.

Smart Governance

The 4th Industrial Revolution and SharePoint: PERFECT TOGETHER

Even Bill is Trying to Find His Way Around the 4th Industrial Revolution

In a recent interview with “WSJ. Magazine”, Microsoft Corp. co-founder Bill Gates said the company’s quantum-computing project is “the one part of Microsoft where they put up slides that I truly do not understand.

Even Bill Gates is challenged to cope with the 4th Industrial Revolution’s pace of change.

If you still think of your company as a pipeline (think 3 row battlefield formation) instead of a change empowered company (think guerilla warfare), then your decision-making process probably reflects the same. If you cannot collaborate with agility, obtain input from the several stakeholders and get proposals in a timely manner to the management team so decisions can be achieved while they’re still relevant, then close up your laptop and go back to using an abacus to calculate how long you have until you’re unemployed.

Let that sink in – Borders, Xerox, Kodak…

Your Organization cannot tolerate slow decision-making processes and be out maneuvered.

Enable Change Adaptability and Organizational Resilience

The hurdles to change are challenging – compliance, regulatory and legal pressure, internal resistance to change, and the established culture.

On the other hand, the internal hierarchical structures, checks and balances and corporate governance bodies are there for a reason. These won’t go away – thankfully.

In the past decisions were binary, be a “1” or a “0”; automation verses manual data processing. In the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution and quantum computing brings a parallel choice: be a “1” or be a “0” or a “1 AND a 0”.

mikeLamond“Decisions including quantum, cognitive, and machine learning computing will have long-term lasting impact“

 said Mike Lamond, President Advisory Innovation Group and a Smart Governance partner.

New tools need to be added to the Management Toolbox to make decisions to invest in “Qubits” and not just bricks and mortar.

You can’t really run from what’s coming. You need to face it. You need to handle it. And you need to survive it.

Your Organization needs to be nimbler making decisions, embracing change and adapting to a fast paced and fluid reality. This is only possible if your Organization’s central nervous system, it’s decision-making process, is more agile, collaborative, adaptable, accountable while remaining compliant.

This is only possible if your governance practice is Industry 4.0 enabled.

And this is within your reach.

Do Governance in a Smart Way

SMART GOVERNANCE is a software product, developed by CAVEDIGITAL, which renders entire decision-making ecosystems paperless and agile on Microsoft SharePoint.

Out-of-box, this includes all hierarchical decision-making processes and the corporate governance processes (committee meetings, leadership team meetings, board of directors meetings, and other corporate governance meetings) – all in one streamlined process, and on a single platform. When proposals receive a decision, these can then be forwarded for execution to the relevant stakeholders in the organization.

Additionally, multi-organizational decision-making processes are also supported (e.g.: parent company and subsidiaries, city council and city agencies, ministry and government agencies, etc.).

SMART GOVERNANCE enables organizations to implement best of breed practices in their decision-making processes, while empowering with collaboration and still being able to handle a high volume of complex hierarchical and corporate governance structures.

Achieving transparency, compliance, auditability and accountability is key so these organizations are not opaque to their Leadership Teams, who gain access in real time to information and agile cross-organization processes.

So Bill or anyone else, please contact us to learn how to make sure your 4th Industrial Revolution organization isn’t lined up in the field like sitting ducks but is positioned to attack from the hedge rows.

If you’d like to learn more about SMART GOVERNANCE and explore it’s capabilities, reach out to us to schedule an in-person presentation and demonstration while attending European SharePoint Conference in Dublin, from November 13th to 16th, 2017. We’ll also be in Chicago for SharePoint Fest from December 5th to 8th, 2017.

For a quick product overview, please refer to this short video presentation:

2017 - SG intro video thumb

Also, be sure to follow our adventures on our Blog, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
